3 ways to enhance your skill in your favourite subject

We have all had a subject that we would love to read over the other compulsory subjects. 

This is the subject that earns you praises from your teachers, and your friends come to you for help if they’re struggling with the particular subject you excel at. And if this is a subject that you’re quite fond of, then read on find out how you can become more efficient. 

1. Get your teacher’s opinion
If you have been consistent with your marks and you haven’t quite pushed the envelope for doing even better on the subject, your teacher might be happy enough not to let you rest on your laurels. This is particularly when your marks in other subjects haven’t been as exemplary as in your favorite subject. You teachers won’t want to shake your confidence unless it’s for your own good. 

You can sit down with your teacher after the class gets over, and convey to them that while you appreciate all the positive feedback you’ve been getting, you’d like to push yourself further with the help of your teacher’s constructive criticism.

2. Start blogging or create social media groups

Having a dedicated blog about your favourite subject is unlikely to make you famous overnight, and even get you substantial page views. But it will still be helpful for allowing you to practice how you can approach your subject in a format that’s not really followed in your school. The objective for you should not only be about thinking how will earn you great grades, but exploring how you can see your favourite subject in a different light.

3. Talk to the experts

You might have come across some Ph.D. student who has some really unconventional ideas, writes humourous blogs and is both well-informed and entertaining when he/she discusses her area of expertise on various social media platforms, which might prove to be of great help when you're hoping to gain some insights on your favourite subject. At the same time, if you're thinking about conducting interviews for your projects, you will be required to have some ideas about the experts in your specific subject as well, even when their assignment writing is a little too difficult to grasp for you.

So don’t just be comfortable thinking that there’s nothing new to master when it comes to your favourite subject, as there’s always some new aspect to learn. 

Author Bio: 

Being a passionate blogger, Jijo loved to help with assignments for students who are looking to achieve higher grades in their academics. He has been associated with Essay Writing company based in UK since 3 years.


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